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Q & A Do You Give Repair Estimates?
“Do you give repair estimates with your home inspections?” Yes, that’s another frequently asked home inspection question. The short...
Keeping Your Pets Safe from Tick Bites
This step-by-step guide can help keep your furry friends free of tick-borne disease For many of us, summertime means spending happy hours...
Water Heater
What? It's time to do some simple maintenance to your hot water heater. Why? Preventative maintenance will result in energy & cost...
Home Inspection Repair Requests a Buyer Shouldn’t Make
What Buyers Should & Should Not Request to Be Fixed. When you find a home you want, it is important to pick your battles when it comes to...
A Few Things Your Home Inspector Wants You To Know.
Whether you are buying or selling your home, the process of a home inspection can be enough to frighten anyone. For sellers, it’s that...
Pest & Insect Inspection
What? Everyone is interested in keeping their home pest free. Why? You don't want your best friend to discover that you have pests before...
Inspect Your Attic Annually.
What? The attic is an integral part of your home that needs to be visually inspected annually. Why? Problematic attics can lead to health...
Furnace Inspection
What? Annual furnace maintenance is mandatory for ensuring its optimal working condition. Why? A poorly maintained and/or inefficient...
Why does my floor drain back up?
A backed up floor drain can be mystifying. I wrote a blog post explaining the basics of floor drains over eight years ago, and I’ve...
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